Causal Inference

Causal Inference III

Series: Causal Inference Tutorials

In the third part of this series, I will introduce the concepts of causal mediation analysis and the identification strategies for the controlled direct effect, natural direct effect, and natural indirect effect.

Causal Inference II

Series: Causal Inference Tutorials

In the second part of this series, I will emphasize the graphical understanding of the causal models, and introduce the instrumental variables methods to estimate local (or complier) causal effects, which can be used to address unmeasured confounders.

Causal Inference I

Series: Causal Inference Tutorials

In the first part of the series, I will cover the basics of causal inference by defining causal estimands using potential outcomes framework, and introduce the methods of matching and inverse probability of treatment weighting to address measured confounders.

Instrumental Variable Genetic Risk Prediction

I developed a new method to estimate the genetic correlation between key phenotypes and polygenic risk scores. This approach is both robust and privacy-protecting - it can correct for sample overlap and only requires GWAS summary-level statistics as input.